Friday, January 16, 2009


You may notice, if you've view ed my website,, that there are several still life paintings in which I've used a white pot as a subject. It's actually a small white metal and enamal coffee pot. It was probably manufactured early in the 1900's.

Several years ago I was antiquing in the small New Jersey town of Mullica Hill when I spotted this pot. I picked it up and held it for a moment and put it down because I thought that it was too expensive. I finished looking around the shop and was about to leave. You probably know the next part of the story. I had to go back to get that pot! It cost $40.00, which I still thought was too much!

At home, I really couldn't find that perfect place to put it. It was in the kitchen for a while and then in the tv room. There were plenty of times when I wondered why I bought it! Then I took it to my studio, and that was that!! I've painted this object more than any other. I enjoy painting white objects. There is an infinite number of ways to paint a white object, using not only white, but greys, blues, reds, yellows, etc., etc., and using brush stroke and shadow.

So here tells the story of the white pot that I had to have.! I've painted it at least 12 times. You will see only the best of them. (The rest are hidden away until I'm so famous, are historians will think that only the bad ones are pretty good!) Not surprisingly, I'm presently working on the lastest version, this time blown-up to a very large proportion, canvas size about 20 x 30. Time will tell if it makes it to the website or to this blog!

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